NBCC invites Tender for the Construction of 24 Nos Additional Structures - 2022_NBCC_666237_1

National Building Construction Corporation Limited invites Tender for the Construction of 24 Nos Additional Structures
NBCC invites Tender for the Construction of 24 Nos Additional Structures - 2022_NBCC_666237_1
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The Sentinel provides the latest updates on Tender for the Construction of 24 Nos Additional Structures and other online tender notices published by the National Building Construction Corporation Limited.

The Sentinel is the online tender website that provides unlimited lifetime free access to Tender for the Construction of 24 Nos Additional Structures and other procurement notices types like open tender, public tender, online tenders from the National Building Construction Corporation Limited.

About NBCC

NBCC (India) Limited, formerly known as National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited, is a Government of India Navratna Enterprise. With operations spreading across India & Overseas, the Company is organized into three market focused segments : PMC (Project Management Consultancy), EPC (Engineering Procurement & Construction) & RE (Real Estate).

About Tender

National Building Construction Corporation Limited requests a proposal for the tenders for the Construction of 24 Nos Additional Structures for Enhancement Accommodation Capacity in 05 Nos Composite Bops in Dampa Tiger Reserve Forest (DTRF) in Aor of Aizawl sector in the state of Mizoram along Indo-Bangladesh Border (IBB)

Tender Details

Reference No.2022_NBCC_666237_1
Tendering AuthorityNational Building Construction Corporation Limited

construction of 24 nos additional structures for enhancement accommodation capacity in 05 nos composite bops in dampa tiger reserve forest (dtrf) in aor of aizawl sector in the state of mizoram along indo-bangladesh border (ibb)

Descriptionconstruction of 24 nos additional structures for enhancement accommodation capacity in 05 nos composite bops in dampa tiger reserve forest (dtrf) in aor of aizawl sector in the state of mizoram along indo-bangladesh border (ibb) 796431 : aizawl open tender
Pre-Qualification CriteriaPlease refer Tender documents.
Website (Optional)

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Key Values 

Estimated CostINR 24.56 CR.
EMDINR 24.56 Lacs
Document FeeINR 11.80 Thousand

Key Dates 

Start Date of Document Collection24-06-2022
Last Date of Document Collection12-07-2022
Pre-Bid Meeting Date01-07-2022
Last Date for Submission12-07-2022
Opening Date12-07-2022
* The estimated cost, values & dates are indicative only. Please read tender document for accurate information.

Site Location 

Location 1Aizwal, Mizoram, India

Contact Details 

Contact Person (Optional)CGM, SBG (NER), NBCC
Contact AddressOffice of SBG,NER, NBCC House, West End Block, Housefed Complex, Dispur, Guwahati 781006

Official Documents 

Disclaimer: We try to ensure accurate & authentic tender information at its level best however it cannot be held responsible for Omissions, Errors, etc. Users are advised to refer to Tender Document published by Procuring entity before they take to submit the bid.

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