NHM Invites Tender for the Repair Renovation of 120Nos of SC - 2022_NHM_26052_1

National Health Mission Invites Tender for the Repair Renovation of 120Nos of SC
NHM Invites Tender for the Repair Renovation of 120Nos of SC - 2022_NHM_26052_1
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The Sentinel provides the latest updates on Tender for the Repair Renovation of 120Nos of SC and other online tender notices published by the National Health Mission

The Sentinel is the online tender website that provides unlimited lifetime free access to Tender for the Repair Renovation of 120Nos of SC and other procurement notices types like open tender, public tender, online tenders from the National Health Mission

About NHM

The National Health Mission envisages the attainment of universal access to equitable, affordable, and quality health care services in the State of Assam. A lot of efforts have been given to ensuring quality in services of health which is one of the important mandates under the National Health Mission. Another important aspect of NHM, Assam is the strengthening of community participation in the health service delivery system. Supportive supervision and monitoring system is an integral mandate of NHM, Assam. Generating demand by creating awareness is also given equal emphasis. NHM gives a lot of emphasis to reaching the unreached, viz. the population living in char and tea garden areas well as the urban slum. The ASHA program, considered to be the foundation of NHM, Assam is rendering laudable voluntary services covering all the villages and urban population.

About Tender

National Health Mission requests a proposal for the tenders for the Repair Renovation of 120Nos of SC to Upgrade them as HWC at Various Places of Assam from rop 2021 22 group 4 7nos of sc in Dhubri District

Tender Details

Reference No.2022_NHM_26052_1
Tendering AuthorityNational Health Mission

repair renovation of 120nos of sc to upgrade them as hwc at various places of assam from rop 2021 22 group 4 7nos of sc in dhubri district

Descriptionrepair renovation of 120nos of sc to upgrade them as hwc at various places of assam from rop 2021 22 group 4 7nos of sc in dhubri district dhubri open tender
Pre-Qualification CriteriaPlease refer Tender documents.
Website (Optional)

Click here to open website

Key Values 

Estimated CostINR 48.66 Lacs
EMDINR 97.33 Thousand

Key Dates 

Start Date of Document Collection22-06-2022
Last Date of Document Collection28-06-2022
Last Date for Submission28-06-2022
Opening Date29-06-2022
* The estimated cost, values & dates are indicative only. Please read tender document for accurate information.

Site Location 

Location 1Dhubri, Assam, India

Contact Details 

Contact Person (Optional)MD, NHM
Contact AddressO/o MD, NHM, Christanbasti, Guwahati-05

Official Documents 

Disclaimer: We try to ensure accurate & authentic tender information at its level best however it cannot be held responsible for Omissions, Errors, etc. Users are advised to refer to Tender Document published by Procuring entity before they take to submit the bid.

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