ONGC Invites Tender For Repairing & Raising Of Boundary Wall-RC2DC22007(E -TENDER)

Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited Invites Tender For Repairing & Raising Of Boundary Wall
ONGC Invites Tender For Repairing & Raising Of Boundary Wall-RC2DC22007(E -TENDER)
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The Sentinel provides the latest updates on Tender for Repairing & Raising Of Boundary Wall and other online tender notices published by the Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited

The Sentinel is the online tender website that provides unlimited lifetime free access to Tender for Repairing & Raising Of Boundary Wall and other procurement notices types like open tender, public tender, online tenders from the Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited.

About ONGC

The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Indian government that produces crude oil and natural gas. New Delhi is the company's registered office. It is owned by the Indian government's Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. It is the country's largest government-owned oil and gas exploration and production business, producing over 70% of India's crude oil (equal to around 57 percent of total demand) and 84 percent of the country's natural gas. The Maharatna title was bestowed on ONGC by the Indian government in November 2010. ONGC was founded on 14 August 1956 by Government of India. It is involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in 26 sedimentary basins of India, and owns and operates over 11,000 kilometers of pipelines in the country.

About Tender

Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited requests a proposal for the tenders for Repairing & Raising Of Boundary Wall, raising of hardening area, improvement & sdbc surfacing of the approach road to the well site r#194, r#75 under ggs-iii in rds area.

Tender Details

Reference No.RC2DC22007(E -TENDER)
Tendering AuthorityOil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited

repairing & raising of boundary wall, raising of hardening area, improvement & sdbc surfacing of the approach road to the well site r#194, r#75 under ggs-iii in rds area.

Website (Optional)

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Key Values

EMDINR 92.00 Thousand

Key Dates

Last Date for Submission27-06-2022
Opening Date27-06-2022
* The estimated cost, values & dates are indicative only. Please read tender document for accurate information.

Site Location

Location 1Sivasagar, Assam, India
Disclaimer: We try to ensure accurate & authentic tender information at its level best however it cannot be held responsible for Omissions, Errors, etc. Users are advised to refer to Tender Document published by Procuring entity before they take to submit the bid.

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