Minimum support price (MSP) for green leaf soon: Chandra Mohan Patowary

Minimum support price (MSP) for green leaf soon: Chandra Mohan Patowary


GUWAHATI: State Industries & Commerce Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary on Friday asserted that small tea growers would receive a major boost in their income with the Tea Board of India agreeing to fix minimum support price (MSP) for green leaf.

Patowary’s assertion came soon after the State Government held a high-level meeting with various stakeholders of the tea industry at Assam Administrative Staff College here on Friday afternoon to work out strategies to overcome the present crisis by the industry.

The greatest challenge being faced by small tea growers is that the prices they get for green leaf is never sufficient to meet the cost of production, threatening their income security and plunging them into chronic indebtedness. On average, the farmers obtained only Rs 9 and Rs 7 in Bengal and Tamil Nadu/Kerala whereas the cost of production was Rs 15.50 and Rs 18.50 respectively. In Assam, farmers received only Rs 14 whereas the cost of production was Rs 18.50.

Patowary told reporters that the State Government would soon formally write to the Tea Board of India to fix the minimum support price for green leaf produced by small tea growers. He said the big players such as Tata Tea had agreed during the Friday’s meeting to buy green leaf at the minimum support price.

“The today’s meeting thoroughly discussed the issue of producing quality tea for revival of the industry. It must be admitted that the tea industry has failed to produce quality tea. One of the major steps towards producing quality tea is to ensure quality plucking. In the recent years the plucking quality has deteriorated. Small growers will definitely get the minimum support price for their green leaf if they stress quality plucking,” Patowary said.

On the issue of branding and marketing, Patowary said the Tea Board of India is preparing a logo of Assam tea. He said plans are on the anvil to open Assam tea lounges in all cities across the country.

Chandra Mohan Patowary said workers in gardens under the Assam Tea Corporation Ltd have already started receiving 20 per cent puja bonus. He said the management of big tea gardens has also agreed to pay 20 per cent bonus to their workers.

Besides other major stakeholders of the tea industry Union Minister of State of food processing industries Rameswar Teli, Rajya Sabha MP Kamakhya Prasad Tasa, Congress MLA Roopjyoti Kurmi, BJP MLAs Sanjoy Kisan & Terese Gowala also attened the Friday’s meeting.

Sentinel Assam