Take steps to boost rankings in ease-of-doing-business in Northeast: Niti Aayog

Take steps to boost rankings in ease-of-doing-business in Northeast: Niti Aayog


GUWAHATI: The Niti Aayog has asked the north-eastern States to improve their rankings in the ease-of-doing-business process in the region.

The message was conveyed to the Chief Ministers and officials of the seven NE States during the ongoing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Conclave at the Assam Administrative Staff College here.

"Rankings have fallen in the recent times in ease of doing business in the North East. This has to be reversed and improved," an official attending the SDG Conclave said while quoting the Niti Aayog Vice Chairman Dr Rajiv Kumar.

The official pointed out that even though Assam had improved its ranking in "ease of doing business" from the 24th position to 17th in 2018, the other NE States are not doing well and their rankings have fallen further. He, however, added that since 2018, Assam has not done anything impressive to improve its ranking further.

The top rankers in the ease of doing business are Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Haryana.

In 2016, Assam had passed the 'Ease of Doing Business Bill-2016', providing speedy processing of applications and issue of clearances to set up industries and service sector undertakings in the State.

"The Niti Aayog has told the NE States that falling rankings in the ease of doing business might prove as an impediment for them to achieve the SDG targets," the official said.

On other hand, the Niti Aayog has expressed satisfaction over Assam's progress in implementation of the 'Transformation of Aspirational Districts' programme. The programme aims at expeditiously improving the socio-economic status of districts in the NE States.

There are 14 'aspirational districts' in the eight north-eastern States. While seven of them are in Assam, the remaining seven districts are one each in the other seven States. Darrang in Assam tops the list of the performing aspirational districts.

Sentinel Assam