Fake PHd degrees

Fake PHd degrees

Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, July 10: Worried sick about a lot of allegations that a section of college teachers in Assam has been obtaining fake PHd degrees from outside universities of doubtful credentials, the Petition Committee of the Assam Legislative Assembly (PCALA) has appealed to Dispur to constitute an inquiry committee to inquire into the allegations and stop the rot.

Allegations against a section of State college teachers getting fake PHd degrees from universities of doubtful credentials did rock the State sometime back, leading Dispur to suspend a few college teachers. A section of college teachers of the State obtains PHd degrees through distance education from some universities with doubtful credentials. Some question marks that hang over this trend are – do those universities with doubtful credentials provide such PHd degrees to the college teachers by properly following UGC guidelines? Are these P.Hd. degrees approved by the UGC?

In order to prevent a section of college teachers from getting such fake degrees, the PCALA has appealed to Dispur to constitute an inquiry committee to delve deep into the problem and stop the menace.

The PCALA had a detailed discussion on the issue at a meeting on Tuesday. Talking to The Sentinel, AGP MLA Ramendra Narayan Kalita, who is a member of the PCALA, said after the meeting: "Allegations of a section of college teachers obtaining fake PHd degrees from universities of suspicious credentials from outside Assam are coming regularly. Such allegations have prompted us to discuss the matter at a meeting and stop the rot."

Sentinel Assam