Low salt, less body fluids may help regenerate certain kidney cells

A short-term, low-salt diet along with less body fluids may help repair and even regenerate certain cells in kidneys, scientists in the US have reported after showing promising results in animal studies.
Low salt, less body fluids may help regenerate certain kidney cells

New Delhi: A short-term, low-salt diet along with less body fluids may help repair and even regenerate certain cells in kidneys, scientists in the US have reported after showing promising results in animal studies. A loss of salt and body fluid can stimulate kidney regeneration and repair in mice, according to a study led by stem cell scientist Janos Peti-Peterdi from the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.

This regenerative response relies on a small population of kidney cells in a region known as the macula densa (MD), which senses salt and exerts control over filtration, hormone secretion, and other key functions of this vital organ, according to the study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Currently, there is no cure for this silent disease. By the time kidney disease is diagnosed, the kidneys are irreversibly damaged and ultimately need replacement therapies, such as dialysis or transplantation.

To address this growing epidemic, Peti-Peterdi, first author Georgina Gyarmati, and their colleagues took a highly non-traditional approach.

As opposed to studying how diseased kidneys fail to regenerate, the scientists focused on how healthy kidneys originally evolved.

The team fed lab mice a very low salt diet, along with a commonly prescribed drug called an ACE inhibitor that further lowered salt and fluid levels.

The mice followed this regimen for up to two weeks, since extremely low salt diets can trigger serious health problems if continued long term.

In the region of the MD, the scientists observed regenerative activity, which they could block by administering drugs that interfere with signals sent by the MD.

When the scientists further analysed mouse MD cells, they identified both genetic and structural characteristics that were surprisingly similar to nerve cells.

In the mouse MD cells, the scientists also identified specific signals from certain genes, which could be enhanced by a low-salt diet to regenerate kidney structure and function.

“We feel very strongly about the importance of this new way of thinking about kidney repair and regeneration,” said Peti-Peterdi. “And we are fully convinced that this will hopefully end up soon in a very powerful and new therapeutic approach.”  (IANS)

reasons for this may include lower energy levels, a dehydrated body, muscle breakdown, and irrelevant resources for recovery and repair of the body.

Instead of heavy workouts, consider opting for lighter, low-intensity exercises, such as gentle cardio, yoga, or stretching during fasting periods. These activities can help maintain movement, promote flexibility, and provide a lower-intensity option that is more suitable during fasting.

Maintain Energy Level: Maintaining the right levels of energy is important for a fruitful workout. You won’t be able to utilize your workout time if you do not have enough resources to move about. So, what can you do?

Schedule your workout in accordance with the time of the day when you have the most energy. It may take some time to figure out the right time frame, but once you understand it, you will be able to workout during fasting more efficiently.

Consume a balanced meal during the non-fasting window ahead of your workout. Select foods that contain a variety of complex carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats. This can help you maintain energy levels during your workout.

It may be beneficial for you to reduce the strenuousness of your workouts while fasting. Focus on low to moderate-intensity activities that are less exhausting.

Prioritise restoring your energy stores and providing your body with the nutrition it requires for replenishment after your workout and breaking the fast.

Eat a well-balanced meal with carbohydrates for energy, protein for muscle repair, and healthy fats for satiety.

Focus On More Cardio And Fewer Weights: During a fast, focusing on cardio exercises and reducing the intensity of weightlifting can be a suitable approach. (Agencies)

 Also Read: Urinary incontinence may affect your skin and kidneys, say doctors (sentinelassam.com)

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