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l The existing Bodoland Territorial Areas District (BTAD) shall be renamed as ‘Bodoland Territorial Region’.

l A Commission will be set up to examine the feasibility of inclusion of villages contiguous to BTAD and having majority tribal population.

l The same Commission will also examine the feasibility of exclusion of villages contiguous to BTAD which are contiguous to the non-Sixth Schedule areas and having majority non-tribal population.

l The Commission will also examine the feasibility of increasing the number of constituencies of the BTC (Bodoland Territorial Council) from the existing 40 to 60.

l The process of BTC to have more legislative, executive, administrative and financial powers for additional subjects will be initiated within 90 days.

l For the Bodos settled outside BTAD, the State government will set up a Bodo-Kachari Welfare Council for focused development of the Bodo villages there.

l The State government will take effective measure to confer rights under the Scheduled Tribe & Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 on tribals living in the forest areas outside BTAD.


l The Bodo-Kacharis living in Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao districts will be included in the ST (Hills) in a time bound manner.

l The Government of Assam will notify the Bodo language in the Devanagari script as an associate official language in the State.

l The Government of Assam will establish a separate Directorate for the Bodo-medium schools in the State.

l The Centre will study and recommend measures for the protection and promotion of language, culture, identity, etc., of Bodos residing in Assam as well as other States of India.

l A cultural complex-cum centre of excellence in the name of Bodofa Upendranath Brahma will be set up in Kokrajhar.


* The Government of Assam may consider enacting a special legislation to provide adequate safeguards to land rights of STs living outside tribal Belts and Blocks in areas outside BTAD.

* The State government will also take effective measures to protect khas land, grazing land, and water bodies from illegal encroachment.


* The Government of Assam will create a separate department to deal with matters relating to Councils under the Sixth schedule of the Constitution.

* An Administrative Staff College will be established under BTC administration.

* The State government will provide financial compensation of Rs 5 lakh to each of the next of kin of persons who lost their lives in agitations for a separate State.


* The Government of Assam will withdraw the criminal cases registered against members of the NDFB factions for non-heinous crimes.

* The Government of Assam will review case-by-case the criminal cases registered against members of the NDFB factions for heinous crimes.

* All NDFB factions will have to abjure the path of violence, surrender their weapons, and disband their armed organizations within one month of signing of the agreement.

* A committee headed by the IGP (SB) with representatives of other departments as members will make an assessment of rehabilitation needs of the cadres based on age profile, educational qualification, general area of residence etc.


* The Government of Assam may earmark a sum of Rs 250 crore per annum for a period of three years for development of areas under BTC. The Government of India may contribute an additional amount of Rs 250 crore per annum for the same period.

* Bodo youths will be considered for recruitment in Army, para-military forces and police to increase their representation in the forces.


* A joint monitoring committee will be constituted with representatives of the Minitry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of Assam, BTC and Bodo organizations to monitor the implementation of the peace agreement.

Additional subjects of Bodo Peace Accord

3, ‘Protection of Wildlife’ to be added to ‘Forests (other than reserved forests)’.

Educational and Other important Institutions Government of India’s wishlist

Government of Assam’s wishlist

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