Pakistan chief exporter of Jihadi terror, says Delhi Police

Pakistan chief exporter of Jihadi terror, says Delhi Police

Pakistan is the chief exporter of Jihadi terrorism, host of Al Qaeda leadership, D-Company and runs a network of FICN, Delhi Police said in its annual press conference.

NEW DELHI:  Pakistan is the chief exporter of Jihadi terrorism, host of Al Qaeda leadership, D-Company and runs a network of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN), Delhi Police said in its annual press conference on Friday.

Mentioning seven neighbouring countries — Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, and Bangladesh —, the Delhi Police told reporters how India faces consistent terror threat from elements present in these countries. For Myanmar, the Delhi Police said that it has an active Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) cell-network engaged in Rohingya radicalization. The China and the ISI also supported the Northeast insurgent groups.

The Delhi Police also said that Nepal has active ISI cells.

It added that Nepal uses the porous borders for terror operations and also for pushing FICN within India.

The police said that Maldives has active ISI cells and active foreign fighters.

For Afghanistan, the Delhi Police said that India faces terror threat in the form of Islamic State Khorasan, Taliban and Haqqani Network (HQN), narcotics trafficking and the use of Afghan passports by ISI to infiltrate terror operatives.

For Bangladesh, the police said that it has active ISI cells using open borders for terror operations and also for pushing FICN within India.

For Sri Lanka, the Delhi Police said India faces terror threat from Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) remnants in the country. Active ISI cells and FICN along with narcotics trafficking is also used. (IANS)

Sentinel Assam