Assam Celebrates World Rhino Day

Kaziranga, the land of one-horned Rhino celebrated World Rhino Day

Kaziranga, the land of one-horned Rhino celebrated World Rhino Day along with the rest of world. An awareness programme was organsied at the Kaziranga National Park. Environment minister Prakash Javadekar mentioned in his tweet about the 'National Conservation Strategy for Indian One-Horned Rhino' launched to protect the one-horned rhino. Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal tweeted: "The Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros is Assam's pride and protecting them is our responsibility". Pictures of him feeding a baby rhino is once again doing the rounds in social media. The documentary by England cricketer Kevin Peitersen on the conversation of one-horned rhinos of Kaziranga would be aired tonight. Pietersen was in Kaziranga to shoot for the documentary.

Sentinel Assam