Covid cases rising is Assam, administration steps up testing

Covid cases rising is Assam, administration steps up testing

Khowang Primary health centre in Moran has stepped up COVID testing after a COVID patient died at Moran on April 24.

In the last two days, the health centre has tested more than 150 people, among them, 8 people tested positive for the infection. Infected people were under home isolation.

The medical staff at the Khowang Primary health centre urged people to cooperate with health workers.

Speaking to the media, Khowang Primary health centre worker said, "We have carried out the Covid testing. We are testing everyone. A person died on April 24. We spread awareness among people."

Similarly, the Kokrajhar district health department also stepped up COVID testing in 16 places at Kokrajhar district.

They were testing people who were coming from abroad in the railway station.

In Kokrajhar railway station three people tested positive for COVID-19.

Kokrajhar has reported 50 fresh COVID 19 cases on April 26

Sentinel Assam